And to add that fact that youve been stressed out lately and he was too busy to notice, Namjoon couldnt help but feel like the biggest dickhead in the world right now. [Authors Note: Okay I wasnt lying when I said I didnt have much time to write, Im really still on study crunch time. It seemed like the guys really liked you, which caused you to fidget less as the time went by. I can see why you love him so much.". He assumed you were leaving for the bathroom and tried to go back to sleep. Hearing you say those things washed away the self-doubt he had been feeling for the longest time. He turned to you and found you sitting straight up, gazed fixed upon the front of you. Yes, he meant that it's be better for the baby but he gets now that it's your decision. But after some persistence on his end, you decided to stuff down your insecurities and took a chance with love. The only thing he didnt like about you was your self-hatred and how youre always quick to put yourself down. Peace!]. At the steering wheel, Jungkook glances at you for a second and smiles. The story of Lisa serves as a good example. You look at him for a moment as Jungkook gazes out of the window. It was so embarrassing. As far as you can remember, youve always felt ugly. Not only did you message him about the wedding, it soon evolved into friendly conversations about each others lives. After his thrilling bungee jump, Seokjin lays on the ground while trying to come off his adrenaline high. He'd live for your moans and whimpers, only thrusting his fingers harder and deeper when you shake from the feeling of your orgasm. When Jimin decided to tag along with you and Seokjin to go grocery shopping, he didnt think much of it at first. Im just shy and awkward, but thank you for putting up with me! Still disturbed from what happened, Taehyung stuttered a Yes, sure. BTS reaction to them hitting you/ pushing you during an argument Requested by anon. Taehyung chuckles. He texted you he was running a bit late so all you could really do was wait patiently for him. Im hoping this wont be the last and that Ill get better at writing stuff like this. I knew all knew you were ditzy but jeez.. The current format is the best because it's just enough to not be too much and not too little as well. Seokjin stops himself immediately and hands the phone back to you "I'm sorry, you're right. Not taking his eyes off the road, Jungkook asks, Hey, are you in the mood for some ice cream? He felt happy and relieved knowing he was the only one for you as you were the only one for him. He'd lick his lips a lot more than usual, and find a lot more reasons to touch you. Why are you crying?". Do you think Im gross, Joon?, Namjoon sighs heavily. At first, you vehemently refused, saying that it was way too soon and that you were too shy. He wasnt particularly annoyed by your daydreaming but he did think it was rude to not pay attention. Ive met some truly amazing and talented people and I am so grateful to know all of you. Feeling defeated, Taehyungs mouth forms into a full on pout. You tried calling him to see what was the hold up but no answer from him. When he stops at the red light, he looks over to you. However, there was one issue at hand: you were unbelievably exhausted. You still make room for them and try to extend them compassion and understanding so that they have space to improve and handle their business. Advertisement He loved everything about you, everything from your warm smile to your dry sense of humor. Hyungs, Jungkook begins excitedly, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.. You let go of Jungkooks hand and started to fidget your fingers self-consciously. "I know," he says, "I just wish it was you and me together." Your face falls at this, as your mind seeps with concern. Out loud. Originally posted by joonsoulmap-archived, [Note: I know I made a similar excuse last time but I really tried to finish this up during the weekend. Pretty adorable, right? Obviously, you didnt have the balls to ask Namjoon out right then and there. We all care about you. Im sorry Joon but I just think its her obsession with pickles is kinda gross, Yoongi belts out, I mean she eats them all the time.. Even though this wasnt your first time hanging out with anyone from the group, let alone Hoseok, you still get anxious in settings like this. Not only the title alone is super angst-ridden, this reaction is pretty much a reversal of what I usually do. Even simple things like sharing your feelings can feel like being a burden on others. We've been together for 18 months now, and not once has he made me feel like a burden. What the absolute fuck?, Jimin murmured, totally dumbstrucked of what he was witnessing. You knew him before he was widely known as the cute yet sexy member of the ever popular group BTS and you continue to support him through his trials of being a world renowned idol. You broke away from his lips and said, What about the food? Hoseok looked at you with hungry eyes and replied with, A little more waiting couldnt hurt.. I had to leave and left my colleagues to pick up the pieces. I was too into it I guess" he apologized. He gave you his contact information and social media, assuring you you can reach him anytime. You were always happy to whip up something for Taehyung. However, one night had to be Taehyungs strangest encounter with you and, specifically, your sleep talking. He instantly snaps out of it when he sees his 6 year old daughter running towards him. Most people want to be viewed and treated as an equal by their partner, so even asking for help is hard enough. Go ahead and have fun with the others, he remembers you saying to him the last time you two spoke on the phone. He grabbed onto your shoulders. You both just got done watching one of your favorites, Pride and Prejudice, and youre wiping the small tears forming at the corner of your eyes. Thats when you hear your name being suddenly dropped. And avoid making you feel bad about it, he never brought it up. Youre so soft and fuzzy. Not that you're complaining though, you're just as addicted to his lips as he is to yours. You knew that today Hoseok and the guys had a dance practice and you thought it would be a great idea to make a surprise visit. But I will finish part 2 as soon as possible! You were walking out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth when you heard Namjoon and Yoongi talking in the next room. You pulled the folded shopping list out of your pocket and opened it. You were sitting alone in a cafe, waiting for your boyfriend Yoongi to arrive. He was smart, funny and extremely handsome- saying that he was the perfect man wouldve been a complete understatement. Boys, this is Y/N, he introduced you. Oh, I was just trying on the clothes I bought today. But despite being a bit jealous, he trusted you and knew you wouldnt do anything fishy with his friend. It was only until you took his hand when he broke out of his gaze and turn to face you. Hed forgot that sometimes he had to share his personal baker with other people, and that includes the boys. Joonie, Hobis telling the truth. Hoseok turned you around and placed his hands on your shoulder, letting out a deep sigh. Didnt mention what exactly.. Because of you I feel better and better about myself. Those arent for you, I made them for Seokjin. BTS Reaction Their pregnant SO experiencing a pain during an argument Sep 1, 2018 648 notes Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, pain, and swearing. I wasnt able to try some of them on at some of the stores, you answered matter of factly. ", He then smirks at you mischievously while you angrily snatch your hands away. I really hope you all enjoy. You and Jungkook were driving home after a spending date night at a restaurant Jin recommended. He just thought it was strange for a girl your age to be so reliant on someone, be it her boyfriend or not. You even heard his name a couple of times throughout your monolog, which didnt help at all. They made a mistake with our order, thats why the wait was long. Wanna join me?". He tells you his feelings the moment he gets back because worldwide handsome boy is . He was running low on basics such as milk and soy sauce and, being his first time spending some time with you, he thought it would be a great time to get to know you better. Just stick with me for the rest of the evening, okay?. By the time your heavy romp was over, Hoseok excused himself to the bathroom while you stayed on the sofa, basking in sheer ecstasy. Whats going on here, Y/N?, he gives you and Taehyung a skeptical look. Begrudgingly so. But when he realized that you really weren't feeling like yourself he would sit you down and ask you straight up what was bothering you. Since Im not used to writing smut, Im kinda embarrassed of this story but who knows, someone might like this one. It also helped you pass out right on the couch. Pulling back from the hug, he says hurriedly, Uh, I have to run some errands. The only thing you could do was jst to wait. Almost a month of dating, you have no regrets when it comes to Yoongi. BTS: Reaction to you crying. But even if he was mad, it doesnt matter, he says assuringly. You turn to the noise and see Yoongi sitting down in front of you. It looked like they were having a serious conversation so you contemplated whether to wait until they were finished or greet them anyway. Jungkook didnt have anything against you; he really liked for the most part. 1. A sudden movement of the bed had woken up Tae. You made sure you were beautifully glammed up, hoping to make Namjoon fall in love with you. It was an opinion that he kept to himself until one day. Seriously?". You honestly couldnt understand why a person like Min Yoongi would ever be into you. In the former case . Hey Jinnie, you greeted as Jimin gave Jin a cheery wave using the arm he had around you. Half awake, you started whining something in your native tongue, which at first confuses Jin since he had no clue what you were saying. One day, he pulled Jimin aside and asked him if everything was alright. But your best friend since childhood just had to get engaged and made you her maid of honor. Although you admired his work ethic and dedication to BTS, you still wished there was more time to spend time together. Joonie, Im sorry Im like this.. And most importantly, any conflict that arose, the two nipped it in the bud before the problem got worse. Hyung, Namjoon says while placing a friendly hand on Hoseoks shoulder, Im sorry for what happened earlier. But I do hope that you guys (especially the requester ^_-) enjoy it! He rose his head to look at you sleeping comfortably on his chest, all snuggled up against him and finally being able to rest. He was concerned for you. Jimin: But why? Your unexpected question catches your friend off guard. He still wouldnt look up at you so you cupped his right cheek to coax him into facing you. I need to get some Reeses Cups before I forget., [Note: Hi readers! Its also been a year that Ive been an active Tumblr user again and a year that Ive been part of the wonderful BTS writing community here. Jin didnt even announce himself as he walked in, only grabbing your attention when closed the door rather loudly. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you only reply with a smile on your face. The drive home was very calming. "Come here," he says softly, cupping your cheek and pressing his lips to yours. Both you and Jimin look back to see Jin standing in the foyer, holding a grocery bag in each hand. He turns around slightly to find Jin next to him with a sympathetic look on his face. And honestly, you felt like he was taking a little too long with the food. You were talking in a cutesy voice, the kind one would use when speaking to a baby or small child. Everyone in the group knew how close you were to Hoseok. I wasnt in it myself but you and Namjoon were there. We were going to invite you to join us but you can forget it. Taehyung poked your hand, getting your attention. You were still a bit dejected over what Jungkook said about you but the fact you had a boyfriend that will defend no matter what made you feel so blessed. And with an unexpectant guess. Still somewhat conscious but very close to falling to passing out, you answer sleepily in your native language. Even though you wanted so bad to be near your best friend of almost five years, you knew your heart wouldnt take being around. And then you were introduced to the best man, Kim Namjoon, and it was pretty much love at first sight. However, your thumb accidentally slid across the phone screen and it opened to his messaging app. yoongi hiked your legs over his shoulder before "I don't know what you want me to say." You took a small deep breath then walked closer to him "I love you a lot and I don't want to fight with you like at all. Now hurry up and put those groceries up.. I didn't want you to leave me.. You: I'm sorry.. Jin: -Holds you and kisses your forehead- I've told you. As you tippy-toed closer to that room, you quickly realized they were talking about you. With you being a very intelligent and thoughtful young woman, he knew the two of you would hit it off. It has been a week since youve last spoken to Jin, and its proved to be the longest week of your entire life. Whats wrong? I wonder if Y/N has ever heard of this place? I bet Y/N would love street tacos. Your attempts to hide your true feelings to the guys was in vain as they could sense that you were in his mind for the majority of the trip. His blunt words hit you hard inside. Once Yoongi takes the phone from you and leaves for the other room, you lay back in bed and, in no time, continue your nap. You dont mind that my kisses sometimes taste like vinegar?, Namjoon chuckles at your question. Super exhausting, he sighs, Im just glad Im finally home though. Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. To get away from him. He took your dozy face and kissed you passionately, fully waking you up now. Not only do you two get to spend quality time together, you two also took turns when it comes to picking that nights movie. This definitely wasnt the first time you spaced out while he was speaking. You loved her so much and wished for her happiness above yours so you decided to bear and grin through it. Recently, you decided to make a huge move to South Korea for a new job offer. With the constant stress of trying to perfect their upcoming album, he had a lot building up inside him. It was so maddening and gut wrenching, he didnt know what to do. A very cute request from @kooksdior Im sorry I took so long with this >_<]. Baby, wake up, Jimin softly says to you as he gently shakes you awake. Feeling like a burden on others is one among many other negative feelings that low self-esteem brings with it. He quickly sits up a bit as she nearly crashes into him. Aww, arent you just the cutest thing ever!, you cooed while holding a kiwi close to your face. While you werent necessarily sleepy, the sound of Namjoon tinkling away on his computer combined with the soft glow that illuminated the studio made you feel relaxed. After all, he was the reason why Jungkook decided to join BTS. Come on, Y/N. Just them though. But then you gingerly took his hands and started pulling him towards the kitchen. Next we need is milk. No one really noticed how distracted Jimin seemed. You and Jin absolutely loved your Movie Night Fridays. Im so happy that you all enjoy me and my content enough to stick around and have me show up on your dash. I dont know how much you heard from Jin hyung, he says into your ear, But itll be fine, Y/N. Be right back.. He suspected it had to be morning where you were at and assumed you would be awake by now. And hopefully it wont be the last. And why are you crying?, his questions were shooting out at such a fast pace. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.. Whether you were on a day trip or at an awards show, youd often find yourself passing out somewhere, causing some slight embarrassment on your part. At first, I contemplated even taking this one on since I didnt think I could give any justice. But he finds you, trying to calm you down and apologize, regretting his actions straight away. While he didnt know what exactly you were baking, it was already making his mouth water and got him right out of bed. If I had to be perfectly honest, Y/N, you could look much prettier if you actually took care of your appearance., You didnt have to, you said quietly. Ugh, this is why you dont eavesdropped, stupid, you thought to yourself. He suggested that you should wait until his day off so he can go shopping with him instead but you insisted on going with Taehyung. Trust me, Im not exaggerating. You put on a brave face but it was clear that your heart was broken into a million pieces. Well, it was calm before your slumber was interrupted by the sound of Yoongis phone. Practically drooling, Taehyung reaches to grab a piece but the hard slap on the back of his hand stops him. To an outsider, they might see your love for pickled food a bit obsessive, but not Namjoon. Your love for pickled foods reached an all new high when you moved to South Korea and fell totally in love with kimchi and all its regional variants. Instead of them reacting to you, it's the other way around. Oh I dunno, its up to you, Hobi., The two of you ended up settling for an indie romance film. The guys decided it would be nice to have a relaxing movie night and you were invited to tag along. He hangs his head and whimpers quietly like a heartbroken puppy. Knowing better to not disobey this particular hyung of his, Taehyung turns to you with apologetic eyes. nude pictures of models; which of the following is not true about plsql decision making structures; peter parker survived the snap fanfiction. The funniest man in the world, who touched millions of people, couldn't touch his own heart. A minute later, you came out of the bathroom and noticed Taehyungs sudden absence. And I know I would be the one to suffer if I brought home the wrong food, he trails as he realized he was talking to himself. Despite you rarely speaking your native language around him, it drove him crazy of how deep and sultry your voice sounded while speaking. The four of you were sitting together at a fancy restaurant, and you tried your best to ease your nervousness by engaging in the conversation. And wept. camp rokon; eaglemoss closes; pics of jeffree star naked. After blushing and sweating for 30 minutes afterwards, he would beat himself up internally for losing his cool and wait for your response. He scratches the back of his head, a habit he did whenever he felt embarrassed. I know how you feel, I really do, but suicide is never the answer. Seeing your reaction, Yoongi glares at Taehyung. Okay, open., [A/N: Despite this one taking me awhile to write, it was actually fun to think of these scenarios. An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the wants and needs of others, and tends to not only listen intently but absorb others' emotions. Throughout the years, there was always someone pointing an imperfection of yours, whether it was your skin, hair or body shape. Jimin faintly smiles at you. I want to take care of you as much as I can Hobi." He smiled and held your face, "I get that, You're so adorable. "Oh yeah sorry, you say while tucking your phone away, He was just giving me more recommendations.". Before we get the milk, we have to stop by the candy aisle. The two of you spend lots of time together so when he had to travel and be far from you for 1 month he missed you like crazy and figure out it is not just like a friend. Possibly making Jungkook regret being interested in you in the first place. Basically, he changes a bunch of little things to focus more on you. With a shaky hand, you rung the doorbell. What else do we need?, Jin asks while staring absentmindedly at the colorfully packaged products in front of him. Namjoon stopped what he was doing for a moment. Lets get you to bed. In response you mumbled something he couldnt quite catch. Heck, it took you awhile to feel comfortable eating around Taehyung. Annoyed and still heavy with sleep, you grabbed Yoongis phone and turned to shake him awake. Not noticing that you were dozing off, Namjoon asks, So which cafe did you want to go to: the one in the building or down the street?. You cooked most of the meals, though Tae made it up with running whatever errand you asked of him. While Jin was out running errands, he didnt expect to get a text from Jimin saying that he was on his way to the apartment Jin shared with you. Adorable wasnt the right word Jimin was thinking of. ", "Oh, Taehyung says solemnly. Everyone eagerly dug into their plates as you just sipped your water, hoping it will calm your nerves. Easier said than done, you replied, laughing at his comment as if it was a funny joke. Rap Monster: "Honestly, I have no idea . Imagine being a child and feeling that you are a burden. ", [A/N: Welcome to the first series to my little angsty series! Whats wrong, Y/N? Feeling like a burden can cause serious disruption to our lives by keeping us from sharing our struggles with people who care about us.
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