Romances Quinn, romances Acina, romances the guy at the corner, romances that badass Pureblood Sith lord in the cantina and his Twilek slave too gets her credits and moves the hell out of Iokath. Quinn can go fuck someone else or die if he prefers so. Its piss poor development and design given the story we just went though. You need 50 of those. Yeah, but Im not talking about SWTOR, Im aware that its Bioware and EA child. Republic players can use the East to West Quick Tram. bs if the eternal fleet is not strong enough why would both rep and imp surrender at the first place when the ghost emperor started the war Then acina bring Quinn tag along.AHHH Why did you bring him with you!!!!!!!! Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor: 0/10. The Republic will lose a great commander of its military if Theron's dad dies, but if Acina dies, that means that the Empire will be thrown into complete chaos. ", Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. Jaesa's parents also say they were told to never expect to hear from her again. His passion for video games as well as his love for all things Star Wars are reflected in his news and in-depth guides available here! Originating in the Unknown Regions millennia before the Manderon Period, the species's society was composed of scientists and engineers, who spend hundreds of years and countless design cycles designing and developing weapons of mass destruction. And I did a lot of tickets. pretty sure there will be a bug, so that will bring imps to rep teams). The last button on your toolbar is for when you are done and want to return back to your character. Once you spawn as a Monitor, you have to find and defeat 10 random enemies. Also, whatever the faults of the Sith Empire are -corruption, cruelty, slavery - all those things exist in the Republic too. So Acina is more valubale than Malcom also if the outlander get the choise to be able to change the empire ways then maybe there will be improvment and even a better peace treaty that benefits both side alot. Sith Empire all the way! The Jedi sprung him from Malestrom Prisom and the Republic and Jedi actively supported and protected the Foundry, which planned to kill 98% of Imperial citizens (the amount with any Sith heritage). The one you created that has both republic and empire in it, would never need to side with one of the other old factions. I see people complaining about not being able to side with their alliance. Just recall how awesome BioWare was when the Doctors ran the company before EA bought them. The story quests in the game are meant to be played in a specific order, but in reality you may not come . In this mission you will need to remote pilot a mouse droid. I find it really hard to side with the Republic, regardless of what character I'm playing. The Blockade of the Rimma Trade Route. Your alliances only duty was to bring down arcann and vaylin. You say it wont have any impact beyond Iokath, but it will impact future story contentis that future content still restricted only to Iokath or could it spread beyond that? He fights with the Knight to take down the Emperor, but states over and over that he will always be Sith and that will never change. He makes it very clear he is still Sith and still an adherent to the Sith Code. But you're suckie with it! I don't trust for a moment that the Republic would not screw me over, because they already have. They are given to you in chunks of 7 and randomly selected each day. So yeah, for me it's not about ideology or who is supposed to be LS or DS, it's about actions. Before you use the Console to assign your troops (located in the Alliance Base right where you spawn), your character has access to their factions base by default. Dont worry, if you liked the story of KOTFE/KOTET and were satisfied, I am sure you will have no problem loving the new story on Iokath, and whatever comes after it. Plus, it is kind of logical way of thinking. As anyone who plays SWTOR knows, when a character is written into a death choice..they more or less go to "story limbo".maybe they get a mention or two, and maybe they'll write you letters.but for all intents . The 5th location is far to the south. Providing guides and walkthroughs for your favorite games! Star Wars & Lucasfilm Ltd. all rights reserved. They don't do anything once she's caught, but I wonder what they would have done had she succeeded. All of the vendors are located nearby the Daily Mission Terminals. I just started War on Iokath and I feel kinda bad going for the imps since my commander is the havoc leader but the republic didn't help during KotFE or KotET. I think youre missing the point. You have to navigate over to the other factions area, just outside of their base, find a Walker and Self-Destruct on it to complete the mission. We know that there will be many questions coming off of this around what this actually impacts so we want to clear up exactly how this works, and exactly what it affects. It has already gotten better than it was, but there's always room for improvement and Acina seems more open to suggestions than the Republic does. Disney is moving from a binary categorization of bad and good guys to a mixed one, and Im loving it. Serious, your Disney hate doesnt change the business model of these companies. Your email address will never be shared or sold. When you arrive at Iokath, you are FORCED to take sides, because whatever or whoever Was there any answer to those who romanced Dorne/Quinn but chose Empire/Republic (opposites respectively)? My snipers going to stay loyal to her bugboy Whenever hes coming back and IF hell stay with her now that shes with Republic. There's another quest on Hutta between parents who are fighting over whether to send their kid to the Academy. Iokath is a ZONE where your faction becomes the one you chose. Was it really important to ask how the stupid chat channels work? Also i just like Acina and Lana much more than Malcom and Theron xD. And the person feels bad for not being a Jedi! Bondite. You can only be Empire, OK. Im a Jedi but I once watched RotJ and thought the Emperor was kind of cool. The Kaminoans paid the ultimate price for their trust in their contract with the Republic, as evidenced by the death of Taun We and the arrest of Lama Su (the Kaminoan Prime . In open world PvP, players allies and enemies are determined by their currently selected Faction. How about the Iokath operation (Tyth and the rest, as it comes)? Power Shards are required for pretty much everything on Iokath. Also, if you dont complete a mission on the day you have picked it up, you may not be able to do so until the next time it becomes available on the terminal. PS, that was sincere. The Republic suffered a period of political stagnation and corruption due to one person, who is now gone. There is no solid reason bw could write that would make you suddenly side with either one and it actually make sense. I cant think of anything more subtle than a lightsaber fight on a lava planet while tantrum screaming exposition. Alzo, Czerka and Bounty Hunter once a month). OK but, Disney doesnt make those cartoons or the movies Lucasfilm does, Disney distributes. My Agent sided with Republic because even though she is loyal to the Empire, during her Story line given my options I felt that the Sith wanted to take her out of the picture. This time you will be transforming into a Monitor. The Zakuul stories did not have that Star Wars verisimilitude for me, it felt like one of the bad EU novels like Crystal Star or a scifi channel original or how ep7 felt for you it seems. Check if your Sprint is active (its a known bug). Yeah, they make good soldiers. But which side did you choose or gonna choose on the iokath storyline? You're no longer a Jedi!" How about you tell me stupid. My Characters respect people like Marr, Acina, Overseer Trenwell, etc. Frankly, about 85% of the EU is no big loss. The turret has 3 abilities single target attack, an AoE attack and a button to return back to your character. My Agent may not give a stuff about the Empire any more (her ultimate loyalty has always been to the Chiss Ascendancy) but at least Acina helped against Vaylin's forces, which is more than Malcolm did. Its super simple, Disney doesnt make this game, EA/Bioware has a (pre-disney) lease on the IP, that is all, Disney executives or employees are not involved in the writing or designing of Swtor. Raina is in hiding because it's *expected* to send your kid to be trained, but the Sith do not steal children or expect them to forsake their families. Like even Dart Malgus was a kind darth before his wife got killed, even the god damn emperor had a time when he wasent a heartless bastard that wanted more power. Background Thousands of years before the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massive sphere - later dubbed Iokath - was constructed around an undersized and unremarkable star for maximizing solar energy across the "planet". Just Hutt ones. arcann was the villian and our toon defeated him, took over his throne and the eternal fleet That's stated straight out the gate in the Empire side. This time it's a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. To take control of Iokath, the Empire must advance on Republic territory. Most likely, it will require the Republic to get her, but you never know. Imperial victory. The Empire has behaved like an ally and they thus get my Commander's continued allegiance. As those who played Iokath (or watched the videos) know.Empress Acina and Jace Malcom died in the last patch. How will this impact grouped players if they choose opposite factions upon arriving at Iokath? This means you can only complete Missions for one Faction in any given day, so if you want to switch you should do so before working on dailies. yeah! Raina is in hiding because of it. Great question! No reason for bad feelings. Episode 1 "Spoils of War". The two old factions were losers and couldnt handle it so you had to build a better faction. It would be only logical to try and take your side, in order to destroy another faction. Beat them both, put a obedient leader for them and thats it. Minimal problems with continuity, which were to be expected. They supported genocide. Peacekeeper? Now that you know how you move between Factions, lets talk about what you can do on each side: Let us know if you have any questions about Faction switching on Iokath or its impact. One of the first quests in Coruscant is helping a guy who thinks his wife has been kidnapped and sold into prostitution. Imperial victory. Most of it is straightforward with some exceptions.To get Malavin Quinn as your companion, you have to side with the Empire in the story. So you my friend are not far from the truth But I guess you already know that, or you wouldnt have mentioned it, Priceless stuff man Priceless. He had such a knowledge of the Lit Side, he could even keep the ones he cared aboutfrom being caught by the police. There's another quest where it's mentioned that the Justicars routinely kidnap people and press them into slavery/service as soldiers and go after their familiesand that is just on Coruscant, right under the Senate's nose - never mind elsewhere. So faction switchers are stuck on the wrong gen chat, brilliant. The Weekly Missions objective is to complete 10 Daily Missions on Iokath. 5. With the current direction our characters will end being forgotten heroes forced to be strippers to make a living, mark my words. Jace Malcom pretty much says he's in it for what the Republic can get. There is no butthurt at all: Im personaly content with whats going on SWTOR and haters both, I simply wonder, havent you tired of finding only bad thing in the game? Genre: Science-Fiction, Action-Adventure. I wish my SI had force choked Malcolm right then and there, but for some reason, he keeps forgetting he can do that. A SWTOR account and acceptance of the SWTOR End . Empire Item: Republic Item: Reputation Requirement: Cost: Iokath Z1 Speeder . Disney owns Lucasfilm. Required fields are marked *. If you do anything off of Iokath such as Warzones, Operations, etc. Really? This is an in-depth guide to help you find and complete them all. I wouldn't say Scourge "changes sides" at all. . The best two things to happen to Star Wars since Lucas barely participated in TESB are Disney and BioWare. The key difference is that one helped the Alliance and one did not. An uncomfortable amount of DS points will be gained but oh man, they will sooooo be worth it. Beat them both and control them both. Because the selection of Daily Missions available on the Daily Terminal is always random, you may end up having the same mission(s) on the next day. Created using the skills of Cybertech to combine Bondite and Fibermesh. For more information about this story line:Everything about SWTOR Patch 5.2 The War for Iokath. At the end of the vanilla story she chose to be a secret agent for the Republic. Then, you either join the one left or will be forced to fight them too. As for Acina, I hope I get to betray her just like she tried to do the alliance. Let's look at that Ashara comment. Zakuul nearly destroyed them both. It's not true, however. Um, you can still kill him, even if you side with empire. There are 2 emitters located right in the first area of the instance. Did you play through that part? I might want to pick empire, but I want Elara at my side. Yhea i dont like quinn either but the empire done so much more and given much support compared to the republic like i said malcom is a powerful man and he at any time could command the soldiers that are loyal to only him to help with the fight against vailyn but didnt. Republic Base is to the West, Empires camp is to the East. Both of the old factions would do all they can to butter you up at this point and there is no reason you would side with just one of them when both have members in your faction. Would of been nice to have a 3rd option, to put some order into both Empire and Republic. If Dave Filoni could somehow make the new movies, that would be a dream come true. Guildship summons will be based on your Class Faction, as per normal. Over three thousand years later, it was rediscovered by the Alliance that waged a war against Zakuul. They dumped the entire expanded universe, 30 years of stories and carefully structured material that used to make star wars an actual universe, just so they could replace anything they wanted with their shitty concepts and explanations about everything that already had one and was well recieved. She also seems much more reasonable and thoughtful than Malcom. For the PC or the player. and how the hell is people so sure theyll find you there in that remote island in the middle of nowhere after being years looking for you and how cant no one reduce the search to the planets inside the small missing block, arent there freaking galaxy maps and navigation charts to give a damn clue about where freaking Luke is? Not to mention, the Minister of the Empire helped Saresh try to take your place. Both Republic and Empire are fighting for control. Their defeat at the hands of the Zakuul says you are wrong., Nice Mass Effect: Andromeda screenshot. No snark intended. Also, I don't recall the letter to the Commander saying "We'll burn you in public, but support you in private." Also the sith and the Jedi might be a problem yhea sith are mostly bad by nature but some of them are very acceptable and wise, Jedi is very accepting and wise too most of them. Reply noah April 5, 2017 at 6:29 pm ok cool thanks Reply nana Start by attacking the Coordinator droid. 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