Its difficult to debug because I havent reset my progress yet. The review continues as there are 5 stages in WaniKanis spaced repetition systemapprentice, guru, master, enlightened, and burned. I use it all the time and think to myself man, I still have a long ways to go! But it is really cleverly imbedded into the wkstats website great work on that! The claim of just over a year has been verified by numerous community members but requires an extremely dedicated, daily effort to achieve. I turned this graph into a pure percentage graph without absolute values: There are people on level 1 with burned items? If your usernames starts with H then is difficult for you. Either way, your levels will eventually report the correct level-up time. WebWaniKani / Kanji Come learn 2000+ kanji and 6000+ vocabulary words with WaniKani. v0.10.3 has been released. OK now Ive clicked through everything and I LOVE it. Seems like when youve completed a level twice, itll overlap the times it took you to complete any given level. It is stored in the browsers indexedDB as key/value pairs. If you can look past the UI deficiencies, its an otherwise great product for Japanese at a perfectly reasonable price point. I havent got that many levels under my belt so I didnt notice this was a problem! Id love to do some analysis of my own like this one day. I took a lot of inspiration from the original WK Stats website, because I really liked being able to see the kanji light up as I progressed. Wanikani History A page containing various graphs that show your WK review/level history. Hence, you have to start learning from scratch. In that case, I will use the same technique and come up with a story that I think I will easily remember and use instead. From that moment, it has encouraged me to study a little bit every day in order to avoid the situation again. WaniKani teaches kanji with mnemonics to help remember and make sense of them, and reinforces the lessons with periodic reviews to make sure they stick. Wish me luck! I burnt out a few times. : Yeah, Im definitely gonna change that, nice suggestion! So next month is a big month for me. WaniKani divides the kanji into 60 levels, with each level consisting of approximately 30-33 kanji. WaniKani will not teach you speaking or listening comprehension. Ill tag @ctmf here because he seems to be in desperate need for aggregate stats. WebWaniKani / Kanji Come learn 2000+ kanji and 6000+ vocabulary words with WaniKani. wkstats now only works for people on level 60. If I may suggest one feature related to the initial loading time. I am very exited and VERY nervous. The confidence Ive gained has helped me to put myself out there and use Japanese in my everyday life. Guru consists of two stages. When you answer them correctly, the boxes underneath will be filled. Hope it helps ^^. Here you can see the average number of items a user of a certain level has. The picture look likes a bar graph. Meaning and Reading is the percentage you see while doing reviews (in the top right corner), this is also what you see on WK stats. A) Yes. The website is divided into 60 levels, and it claims that you can learn around 2,000 kanji and 6,000 vocabularies in just over a year. And, your idea of creating a userscript for the difficulty of items to be shown in lessons: should I maybe do that and do you still want it? Select Logout from the user menu on the stats site, then re-enter your API key. () seems to be the consistently most difficult vocab item. Dec 31, 2021. Update: I added a difficult kanji as part of vocab items chart to the main post. How does your WaniKani API service store its data? The API was probably not made to output this amount of data oops. If your username begins with L or Z you are more likely to have trouble with the kanji . Ive lived in Japan for eight years and never managed to learn much Japanese. Level 10 nearly 100%. Try loading the site, then hit the browser refresh button twice. I think WaniKani is extremely comprehensive in what it does. Its honestly a great way to learn how to read kanji. Confused?! Im a self-learner of Japanese. It is worth paying for a lifetime subscription if you decide to use it for a long time. The SRS approach and periodic reviews ensure that what you've learned is not lost. wkstats is working fine, but its IP address changed recently while upgrading the server. In the same manner, when the kanji reaches the guru, the vocabulary using these kanji will be unlocked as well. As before, I scaled this by the number of people that already have seen this item to make the difficulty uniform. Try loading the site, then hit the browser refresh button twice. wkstats is working fine, but its IP address changed recently while upgrading the server. This app doesnt need any write access. A simple dashboard that you can use to quickly relevant stats about your current WK level. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. WaniKani is a great resource to learn kanji and vocabulary for beginners because you will start learning from the most basic kanji such as , , . Loading the site then hitting the refresh button twice worked for me. WebNihongo Stats is a stats aggregation tool for Japanese language learning apps like Wanikani, Anki, and BunPro. Master, Enlightened, and Burned represent single stages. I have used all three and the latter two are not good for kanji. WebWaniKani is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and vocabulary learning web app that uses mnemonics and SRS to make kanji learning simple. However, around New Years every year, there is a big discount for a lifetime subscription so you pay only around $199 and save around $100. Interesting about the number of burned items per level, Im still on 0. Yes, it does account for it, but only in the fastest possible projection, not the median. are there official stats of how many users finished WK or what level average they drop completely? I can provide assistance with debugging or providing the data in a more usable format than immediate HTML output, but I havent worked with all the extra stuff like localForage, etc. After completing college I wanted to continue studying Japanese on my own. Having a look at it right now. I have used WaniKani for a few months and I'm on level 9. I failed miserably with an overall score of 64 out of 180 and an appalling 1 out of 60 on Language Knowledge, which assesses your vocabulary and grammar abilities. This method helps you to build a good study habits so that you dont have many reviews piling up. I paid a monthly subscription in the first year and switched to life later on. In comparison to that, kanji like that arent inherently difficult but are just a little unintuitive dont take long to get sorted out (here it only lasts as the most difficult kanji for one level). the best tip for becoming a Regular: be level 60. It will become semi-transparent, and will be excluded from calculations. Are we still supposed to use the v1 key, or am I missing something? WebWaniKani is well-suited to absolute beginners learning to read for the first time, and progresses in levels (60 in total). Im not so strict now but I used to be. However, the time between each review and how often you see the same words is entirely customized to match how well you answered before. However, there is an option to unburned the items and put them back in the apprentice stage. Stop teasing us, you deceitful black cat!Great image though.EDIT: but why make a placeholder thread for this ;pCool improvements! The first time you load the page, it may take a bit to load since its will need to download all of your review history from the Wanikani API. Additionally, when you reset, itll consider every day since the reset to be an additional day youve taken on the level you were prior to resetting (I probably only spent 2 months or so on level 43 before I got back into Wanikani and reset my level). Track your progress on WaniKani. After wandering in the wilderness of self-study Japanese for many years, I find WK to be truly excellent. The update to the website takes a while to roll out. I saw some people show me about his/her stat like finish lvl 5 in 2 days and so on. projections (fastest, probable, and hypothetical dates you will pass certain levels; made by, Hall of Fame (for radicals, kanji, vocab, or all together; based on how many correct/incorrect guesses there were), Hall of Shame (for radicals, kanji, vocab, or all together; based on how many correct/incorrect guesses there were), item types (SRS stages) to time charts (stacked and non-stacked) with time frame setting, item accuracy to time chart (divided into radicals, kanji, and vocabulary), word progress (how many radicals, kanji, or vocab out of the total amount has one learned), word overview (x-y-chart based on reading and meaning accuracy of all learned words), info table (how accuracy, reviews, and lessons changed over a chosen interval of time; split into radical, kanji, and vocab), kanji wall (text block with all kanji learned: you can see how far youve come), Yojijukugo (four character idioms / proverbs with four kanji; you can look at those you can already read; includes meanings), project time spent to before 2018 when reviews werent logged. Edit: (2022-05-23) This project is still in an Alpha phase and there are probably many bugs I dont know about. But still this chart is a bit more diverse than its kanji counterpart. These statistics include some which show one their history of WaniKani in different data points (like accuracy or SRS stages). Wanikani Dashboard A simple dashboard that you can use to quickly relevant stats about your current WK level. Nihongo Stats has similar functionality as Wanikani Stats, but with graphs to see your review history and a dashboard. I suppose you can use my token to test (reset at 1 1 and 28 22) but Ill expire it once youre finished since I have a subscription active. wkstats Track your progress on WaniKani. It claimed that with the use of SRS and mnemonics, you could memorize a new kanji and its reading in minutes. Although I have the concrete numbers I will hide them because they dont really tell you anything useful. Otherwise its . Specifically, WaniKani teaches 2,136 Jouyou kanji (), which literally means daily kanji. Kanji LEVELS 1-10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Level 1 Above Below Big In just a little over a year with WaniKani, I was able to pass the JLPT N2, nearly doubling my previous score, and received a whopping 48 out of 60 on the Language Knowledge section, a huge improvement! I fixed the bug with the level display thanks to your help. This is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. In just over a year. Optional: Specify parameters in the URL (see instructions and supported options here). 7 Likes akira70000 February 17, 2023, 8:16am #3 In addition to @WaniTsunami s link, I can also recommend @saraqael s stats page: WK History (Forum link: [Web App] WaniKani History + Timemachine) 4 Likes The first 3 levels are free. Thats not what WaniKani is designed for. Memrise also uses spaced repetition and mnemonics systems where learners can use flashcards with audio and video to learn new words. [Obsolete thread]: WK progress ( -->, New People Questions! A page that allows you to visualize the radicals/kanji/vocabulary you studied. Comparing WK to Memrise shows a superficial usage and understanding of both perhaps. Great work! After using WaniKani for about a year, I tried to read those reports again. Thats Jy kanji (), which are taught in primary and secondary school in Japan and actually consist of 2,136 characters (WaniKani leaves out a few rare/unnecessary ones). @rfindley for creating the WaniKani Open Framework. ), Lets set our goals for the end of year 2018, Introducing Natively - A free community book sharing site with over 9800 popular books graded by difficulty, My Journey of 368 days (+ The Ultimate Guide for WK :open_book: ). Beginner learners can learn how to read each hiragana and katakana alphabet while advanced learners can learn kanji and vocabulary. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. It has gone down over time as more and more items have entered circulation, but Im still doing better than I was at the very beginning with the easiest levels, haha. Youll be presented with what are called radicals - these are essentially building blocks for kanji. this friend has recently come back to visit me. Its goal is to provide the user with more information about their WaniKani achievements. Ill just quote mine and @anon56844372 (which has a reset but zero lessons or reviews ever), (my key is still c5e0edc2-fb8e-48a7-abae-f79b4ecfcdb4 ), Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Is it okay to have a large number of critical condition items, UInt2048/WKStatsProjection/blob/main/projections.user.js, Bug fixes to many charts for users with WK Resets (still more bug fixing needed), More Bug fixes to WK Review History and Level progress charts, Better image caching for quick load times, Better usability for things like tooltips (basically making them less annoying), BIG data fetching changes to make loading less annoying. Estimate your completion date. Hi all. WebThis is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. Yeah, Im only on level 24 and its sometimes feels a bit sluggish when I sign on a new PC. You probably have to take these with a grain of salt because the data could be skewed as I can only include users in the data set that have a WaniKani community account (dont know if it really changes something but you never know). Noun Town Review: Should You Learn Japanese in VR. You can also review and learn how to pronounce and listen to native speakers. Yeah, that would be very nice! This version is built around a REST ful structure, with The mnemonics and format of wanikani are amazing and I can't begin to imagine the level of work that went into making that program. @Hubbit200 for helping out in all areas, such as design and feature implementation. Additionally, it includes high-quality audio recordings of both male and female speakers. One of my absolute favorite features of WaniKani is the exposed and very well-documented API. WebWaniKanis SRS spans across nine stages, which are split across five groups. However, you dont really know how many strokes the kanji have or what the stroke order is. Estimate your completion date. However, if you are an advanced learner and know hundreds of kanji already, WaniKani might not be suitable for you. WebThe Truth of WaniKani Levels Nihon Scope Ive been having some issues with these names for awhile now so Ive have decided to correct these names and add a bit of how it actually feels to go through this onslaught of brain damage daily for over 400+ days in a row: 1-10 This is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. Q) I have one (or more) really long level, and its messing up my estimated level-up. They only have a few graphs each and I am open to feedback. I just fixed it by throttling the requests. PERCENT is the average percentage of correct reviews to total reviews for that item. I can read almost everything I come by or breakdown the meaning. I just unlocked that kanji recently, and yeah, it does accept greenhouse, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, WaniKani user data 2022-09-24 (editable) - Google Spreadsheet, WaniKanji user data 2022-09-24 (uneditable) - Google Spreadsheet. Its honestly a great way to learn how to read kanji. So Id like to suggest a feature that a similar site, Bunpro, already have. I dont think this is all of what you wanted but it should at least be some of it, I hope! Master, Enlightened, and Burned represent single stages. There are many free learning applications out there so you might be less thrilled to pay for WaniKani. Thanks to this progress, I recently took the JLPT3 and guess what? Selected App. If you are having problems, your browser is probably seeing cached information from the old server. Introduction Welcome to "WaniKani: The API"! To say you don't know what to do seems impossible. Due to the spaced repetition system, you will have new reviews in a timely manner so you have to study regularly. Ive seen, on some forums, pictures of peoples progress and statistics. WaniKani is still effective for me though, but man, sometimes it gives me so much frustration. WK is life-changing for me and many others. WaniKani is also known for its use of mnemonics. But WaniKani is another resource thats caught my attention given its unique approach to mnemonics. Youll be presented with what are called radicals - these are essentially building blocks for kanji. It's still the WaniKani lifetime sale! Wanikani Open Framework [developer thread]. The sale ends on January 5th, so nows your chance to get $100 off the lifetime subscription (for a total of $199 plus tax). Logging in works for me. A) On your Wanikani account settings Anyway great work to you too! The one that shows my Enlightened number as negative? Weve made a WaniKani review and gathered all the information you need to know about this learning tool. Do feel free to report bugs in the issues page of the Github repo for this project. It seems to hate me for resetting, though. WaniKani also teaches vocabulary but it is based on the kanji you have learned, not how often you can see these words in daily life. Im currently using the latest version of Firefox on Windows 10. not sure if it makes a difference, but I went to the start page ( rather than the dashboard or login page and then clicked refresh twice and it seemed to work, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, You can really see the benefit of consistency with mine. The meaning and reading difficulty for selected vocab items: Especially the meaning for seems to cause many problems, even though I think the reading is also difficult to remember. Im a computer dunce so Im not quite following - I tried but it takes me to the login page and when I then click on login, it brings me to the 404 error page. Introduction Welcome to "WaniKani: The API"! 6,000 vocabulary words. You learn all of this in a mnemonic method as the explanation, example comes with short and (sometimes) funny sentences so you can remember easier and faster. The interface is a bit weird, but the only thing that was unintuitive to me was the review forecast and the Burned cards. If you are having problems, your browser is probably seeing cached information from the old server. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. Then I started WaniKani, which made learning kanji simple and actually fun. The difference between NORMAL and PERCENT in the following stats is that for NORMAL it considers just the total number of people that find an item difficult. Please enter your Wanikani Api Key. Now I can just do it on my own. Overall, a decent trainer for Japanese vocabulary. I have been working on a stats aggregation tool for Japanese language learning apps (Wanikani, BunPro, and Anki) on and off for about 8 months. Then paste this key into the respective field for the website and youre good to go! So Id like to suggest a feature that a similar site, Bunpro, already have. Here are the aggregate statistics that came out of analyzing data from around 89000 WaniKani users. You can also learn by playing fun and easy games such as crossword and shiritori. Btw I added new features: SRS stage to time graph and accuracy to time graph. Its goal is to provide the user with more information about their WaniKani achievements. wkstats Track your progress on WaniKani. Thank you so much for giving me your token!!! We all know them, we all love them and we all want to have that sweet Regular title too. For word info, I think wall of fame & wall of shame would be better naming of the subcategories. Been using it [since before your post ] and it is fantastic. Link in OP doesnt work though. If its similar enough to the Open Framework, we could try to adapt & integrate my projections userscript to your site. According to the WaniKani statistics page, you can learn all N5 kanji when you finish level 16, all N4 kanji after finishing level 27 and all N3 and N2 kanji after finishing level 51. The sale ends on January 5th, so nows your chance to get $100 off the lifetime subscription (for a total of $199 plus tax). Wanted to continue studying Japanese on my own way to learn much Japanese are... It on my own like this one day was a problem stats aggregation tool for Japanese a! To complete any given level them, we could try to adapt integrate! Use to quickly relevant stats about your current WK level can learn and... 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